SAFe二十问 | 来自SAFe创始人Dean的回答

一 为什么需要大规模敏捷?如何说服组织高层进行大规模敏捷改进

问题1:Dean通过什么方式去说服公司的top management?






这就是我们打造Leading SAFe课程的原因。Leading SAFe课程旨在帮助领导们理解和应用新的工作方式,以实现真正的业务敏捷。














二 如何实施大规模敏捷



















三 敏捷合同与供应商管理









问题14:在汽车行业,有没有看到SAFe在整车厂和供应商之间合作的best practices? 反过来,如果只有供应商跑SAFe,而整车厂还是用传统方式,有何建议?

在汽车行业,无论是沃尔沃(Volvo)这样的汽车制造商,还是博世(Bosch)、埃塔斯(ETAs)、大陆集团(Continental Group)这样的供应商,都在采用SAFe。


四 组织与团队







相反,SAFe帮助团队围绕企业向客户价值交付来进行组织。区别于项目和瀑布方法的执行方式,SAFe组建了一个由一组专职敏捷团队组成的敏捷团队,称为敏捷发布火车(ART),并作为一个持续交付流水线来执行。这意味着担任Business Owner、Product Manager和Product Owners角色的这些人会更直接地向解决客户问题或需求的客户解决方案保持一致。我们不以KPI来度量个人或“职能筒仓”,我们度量的是业务产出,例如发布频率、发布的特性数量、客户和业务的满意度(通过NPS分数),以及提高的质量,等等。









五 SAFe的本地化发展规划

问题19:SAI接下来3年在中国的发展规划 以及对中国市场的展望如何?

Scaled Agile将中国视为最大的潜在增长市场之一,我们已经开始投资这个市场。我们在市场上找到更多的重要合作伙伴,这些合作伙伴拥有足够的技能来支持企业加速SAFe转型。在中国,已经有数千名训练有素的SAFe从业者和数百名SPC,其中许多人正在与全球其他国家的同行一起使用SAFe。我们已经开始在人员和流程方面进行本地化的投资,以推进关键领域的进展。并且,从中国大型企业以及大型跨国企业应用SAFe来加速其业务敏捷的进程,我们能感受到强烈的意愿。在未来的三年里,我们预期继续投资于合作伙伴和我们自己的团队,以及为中国的快速增长提供所需资源。

问题20:SAFe中文版、以及相关资料中文版何时能同步? SAFe在中国的市场宣传,全面汉化以及本地案例的推广有何计划?








问题收集及整理:Marsha Xue

文章翻译:Jerry Li



1.How do you convince the top management team to adopt/accept SAFe?

Answer – Always start with the Why. The benefits of SAFe include faster time to market, higher quality and productivity, and higher levels of employee engagement. (see Every responsible manager wants that.

Management is often faced by challenges in business operation, such as slow time to market, poor quality, increased competition, etc. Most enterprises and their management understand these challenges but are not aware of their causes. As both Kersten and Kotter have identified in their books many if not most of these challenges are related to enterprises that continue to apply outdated management approaches the enterprise operations and the development and delivery of value to their customers.

In today’s hyper-competitive environment many enterprises continue to structure in hierarchies, operate in silos, and execute value delivery via the waterfall method and projects. These are no longer sustainable for future success. We need a different solution that allows for the continued operation and stability of the enterprise, while creating a new part of the enterprise that is focused on the customer, quality, and the speed of delivery. In Kotter’s words this is the Dual Operation System and applying SAFe throughout the enterprise is the blueprint for that.

The key to management’s adoption of SAFe is understanding the benefits how SAFe will help the enterprise build a new way of working that is aligned to the value it delivers to customers, that will be faster, more adaptable, produce high quality and transform their enterprise to an enterprise built to survive in the age of digital and software.

2.There has always been a puzzle: can a company that uses traditional waterfall project management practice scale agile directly? Or do they need to start small agile?

Answer – Experience has demonstrated that adoption of agile at team levels does not lead to the full benefits of a full scale lean and agile way of working. It just does not address the systemic issues in the enterprise that prevent it from achieving Business Agility. By adopting small, the enterprise still executes in projects, teams are temporary, value is only project scope, funding is project based, etc.

When SAFe is adopted it creates an execution model that is organized around the full value streams that deliver value to customers. ARTS Teams,and funding are dedicated and aligned to that. We train everyone and launch all at once, and then support with continual education and coaching. It is one common way of working across the entire enterprise.

Relentless improvement applied through team retrospectives and the Inspect & Adapt (I&A) ensure problems and issues are continuously addressed and resolved to make continuous improvement. In this way Business Agility, not team agile, becomes the core operating model for the enterprise, not just a team and project improvement.

3.Are there any good practices to help senior managers understand business agility?

Answer – That is why we created Leading SAFe:
( , which is designed to help leaders understand and apply the new way of working and achieve true business agility.

Business Agility allows enterprises to compete and thrive in the digital age by quickly responding to market changes and emerging opportunities with innovative business solutions. Business Agility requires that everyone involved in delivering solutions—business and technology leaders, development, IT operations, legal, marketing, finance, support, compliance, security, and others—use Lean and Agile practices to continually deliver innovative, high-quality products and services faster than the competition.”

4. What is SAI’s development plan in China in the next three years and its outlook on China’s market?

Scaled Agile considers China to be one of the largest potential growth markets, and we have already begun to invest in the market. We have added a number of important partners in the market with the skills needed to support Enterprises that wish to accelerate their SAFe transformation. There are already thousands of trained practitioners, and hundreds of SPCs in China, many who are using SAFe together with their global counterparts in other countries. We have begun investing in localization, both in people and processes to make progress in these key areas. And we see strong interest from large Chinese companies as well as large Global Corporations to use SAFe to accelerate their business agility journey here. Over the coming three years we expect to invest in Partners, our own team, and the resources needed to support a rapid growth rate in China.

5. Are there any good practices to promote the agile transformation of data teams (data center, big data, data governance)?

From the perspective of SAFe principles and practices, ‘Big Data’ isn’t any different than ‘Big Applications’. Like in all portfolios, Data Management will be addressed by one or more Value Streams, triggered by some form of request and result in delivery of value to its customers, whether they be internal or external.

Thus, a technology portfolio would adopt SAFe aligned on Value Streams related to data management. The technology portfolio would establish Development Value Streams and ARTs to support Operation Value Streams, teams would be aligned and dedicated to these. Initiatives related to data governance, big data, etc. would be enacted across those Development Value Streams and ARTs.

6. When can the Chinese version of SAFe and related materials be synchronized?Market promotion of SAFe in China, comprehensive localization and promotion plan of local cases?

So far, SAFe has been used in more than 110 countries and regions. With more and more users distributed in various countries, the localization of SAFe in non English speaking countries is becoming more and more urgent and important. The localization of the SAFe knowledge system is an important strategy of SAI.

At the same time, the importance of Chinese market and the localization of SAFe have been put on the agenda. We have a dedicated localization team and employ experienced multilingual providers. They will be responsible for implementing the localization requirements of each country, which is an iterative/incremental process. We’ve started with MVP and established the process of localization, and continuously adjust the process and deliverables based on marketing and customers’ needs. For example, start with the exam, then students’ books, classroom handouts, marketing materials, customer support, websites, etc. We also use SAFe’s own PI mechanism in the implementation process. In this way, we will see some customer value releases every 8-12 weeks. At the same time, we will get market analysis feedback, and timely adjust the plan and output of localization in the following PI. I believe that you have received a lot of Chinese emails this year. At the same time, you should also get information recently to know that SAI provides Chinese customer support emails, which helps us to get feedback and improve continuously. So please pay attention to the email sent by SAI to the community as much as possible. If you have any comments and suggestions, you can reply in the language you like. Your positive feedback and suggestions are an important channel to help us all improve continuously.

In 2020, SAI has invested in our globalization capability. We have selected key languages and markets for focus (China is a priority), we have updated our SAFe Glossary, we have begun to translate the book SAFe Distilled into Chinese, and we are now in the process of translating several key course examinations. We also produced our first Chinese language website for the local market, and published the first Chinese case study with Cerno.

We will take an incremental approach to localizing other important SAFe materials. We have been collecting customer and partner input on which courses to consider, which marketing materials to prioritize, and other important items like videos, toolkits, etc. We intend to release on a regular cadence new items in China each PI based on the effort and market impact gradually increase the value to customers.

We would welcome all of you to share your SAFe success stories, so we can together document important examples and share with others in the community.

7. In addition to the high-level, what other core departments must be brainwashed to promote SAFe practice?

Answer: Again, always start with the Why. The benefits of SAFe include faster time to market, higher quality and productivity, and higher levels of employee engagement. (see “Brainwashing’ leadership isn’t required. What is required is to educate leaders in the new way of working so they can lead the way to Business Agility.
As the enterprise moves toward a more direct value-oriented delivery model, achieved via the ‘Dual Operating System’, there will be many parts of the existing hierarchical structure that will be impacted. For example, HR, PMO, Finance, etc. and smaller business operational units in those functions will be impacted as their ‘projects’ and people working on them will be transformed in this new way of working. Mindsets in these core functions will change as they start to see the benefits of the new way of working.

8. What are saf’s ideas about transforming the personnel department?

SAFe impacts both the HR department itself and the larger function of HR in the enterprise. With respect to the HR department, they will benefit by adopting agile as a team way of working, and apply a lean – agile mindset and practices to improve their productivity and flow.

But the larger impact is how a SAFe transformation Impacts the people in the enterprise. This requires new thinking around salary and benefits, hiring practices, evaluation practices, etc. As SAFe is adopted and more people impacted, personnel / people management will need to understand more about SAFe and the enterprise’s transformation, and they will help evolve HR practices that lead to true Business Agility.

For more:

Advanced Topic – HR Playbook for a Successful SAFe Implementation

9. Some enterprises have adopted safe and completed the transformation for 1-2 years. However, the top management of enterprises still ask a question: what can SAFe do for us in the future? For example, we have already achieved multiple ARTs and improved our performance. In terms of business agility, what other theories and practices can we obtain from SAFe?

Answer – Business Agility is a journey, not a destination. You can never be too lean or too agile. You can never have too many business benefits. I would look to the Business Agility assessment to see where the enterprise is on it’s journey on the seven core competencies and to identify opportunities for improvement:

Relentless improvement is built into SAFe. Improve relentlessly.

10. What is the development trend of agile contract practice? How does agile contract promote business agility?

Answer –Agile contracts increase flexibility on the part of both parties and can have a direct impact on Business Agility.

Traditional contracts are built on the flawed assumption of completeness of requirements, design, number of people and time. These contracts often put the participating parties at odds with each other from the start. Agile contracts help both parties engage in a more cooperative and integrated work strategy, an approach built on mutual trust, agreement and continued and objective evidence of progress.

11. How do enterprise engineering aspects (process, technology, tool platform) of implementing large-scale agile? Are there any recommended practices?

Answer – SAFe provides a significantly different way of organizing and executing work. It will undoubtedly impact existing processes and tools. But there is no general pattern.

Instead, as technology and business leaders begin to understand how adopting SAFe will require a focus on business and technology working together, they will lead the way to new ways of organizing and working. Education is again the key. When leaders and teams see the Business Benefits and lead the transformation, they will make good decisions as to what tooling and processes they need to keep, what to eliminate, and what new ones are needed.

12. How to use agile contract to bid?

Answer – See

This is a bit difficult to answer without more context, but I will assume you mean a contracting organization bidding for development work from a customer. A lot of this depends on how the customer positions their tender request or RFP. If the customer is making the request from a traditional standpoint the tender will be based on an assumed scope of work and timeframe. The supplier is expected to provide a fixed cost. In this case, it might be too late for a true agile contact, but the supplier can still respond with strategies for incremental delivery and objective milestones to trigger payment. That will lead to additional agility.

If the customer is at the other end of the scale, either adopting agile, or agile mature, then their tender will be different. The tender will ask about your agile approach, how you will engage with them, etc. You can bid the contract as an agile contract that is built on collaboration, progressively measuring outcomes, agile performance, and reliability both yours and theirs, etc.

Many traditional contracts today tend to create transactional relationships between customer and vendor. The goal for the vendor is to establish a more strategic value-based relationship to built around the ability to deliver using agile methods with SAFe..

13. In the automotive industry, have you seen safe’s best practices in cooperation between vehicle manufacturers and suppliers? On the other hand, if only suppliers run safe, and vehicle manufacturers still use the traditional way, what are the suggestions?

Answer – In the automotive industry both car manufacturers like Volvo, and suppliers like Bosch, ETAs, Continental Group are adopting SAFe.

In general, the manufacturer and the supplier both benefit as they can better respond to change. They can quickly adjust Capabilities and Feature, prioritize and re-prioritize as necessary and deliver as required.

14. What are the similarities and differences in skills and responsibilities required by the agile coaches of SAFe team and Scrum team?


Agile Teams in SAFe typically apply scrum but have additional skills and experience to manage working in complex multi-team enterprise environments that are aligned to value delivery. SAFe Agile Teams perform all the same scrum events, but also participate in events that manage the team-of-team environment for the ART, such as PI Planning, System Demos, I&A, etc. They also apply kanban to visualize and monitor flow.

In addition, they acquire skills in continuous integration and testing, BDD and TDD, DevOPs and deployment, and management of dependencies between teams.

15. What are the dimensions of agile culture communication of each organization in an industry? How to spread culture in the eco supplier organization, if we take GM as example?

Answer – Culture is nuanced for any organization and you cannot change it directly. Culture is changed by applying new ways of working and continuing to reinforce them, so they become permanent and are done without thought; thus they become the habits of the enterprise.

To begin culture change in any organization you first need to identify the challenges in terms of the problems the organization is facing and then connect those challenges to their current way of working as the root cause. Then over time, building on the foundation of new values and principles, introducing lean-agile practices changes the way of working until it becomes second nature.

In the case where a customer wants to improve their supplier’s ability to deliver using agile methods, that will require cultural changes as well. By showing the new way of working, and they can see the benefits that might spark change in their organization.

16. Dual operating system mainly adapts to the connection between business and complex organizational structure. Does it mean that in some organizations with simplified and flexible structure, SAFe is not needed?

Answer – SAFe is only needed where the benefits in quality and productivity that come via adopting lean and agile methods are needed. The Dual Operating System helps organizations move away from the traditional execution model of silos, waterfall, and projects, to a new value-oriented network-based execution model that is designed for speed of delivery and quality. SAFe is the blueprint for the operating model.

When organizations are small or young, they tend to already have a more value-oriented network structure and execution. However, as they grow, they will tend to follow traditional organizational growth patterns, developing deeper hierarchies, more focused silos, yearly funding patterns, and execution models based on waterfall and projects. By understanding SAFe now, as growth occurs you can begin to ensure that you can separate those parts of the organization that are needed for stability and functions form those that are needed to create value delivery for your customers.

17. Just mentioned value network and hierarchical organization, SAFe will integrate the two, how to integrate, or can we introduce the best example of SAFe in this respect?

Answer – SAFe introduces the concept of business agility as a response to the fact that many organizations are finding it hard to complete in the age of software and digital due to the fact, they are still using traditional management structures and approaches, such as hierarchies, projects and waterfall, to deliver customer value that are no longer effective. To address this SAFe is positioned as a second, network operating System that is focused on the customer value and speed of delivery, while leaving the hierarchy mostly intact for stability.

So, it’s not really an integration, but rather a redesign of the organization to separate the concerns of value delivery for the customer and keeping stability and reporting structures needed for day-to-day operation.

18. Business level agility and organization level agility, how to connect and transform using SAFe?

Answer – Business level agility is the broader goal for the enterprise. SAFe indicates that achieving this requires the enterprise to master the seven core competencies.

Organizational Agility is one of those competencies.

Organizational Agility

It’s focus is on the important things that form the basis for having agility, Lean-thinking Agile People and Agile Teams, Lean Business Operations, and Strategy Agility.

19. SAFe emphasizes that the whole ecosystem needs to be promoted from top to bottom. As Dean also stressed that change needs to be spread from point to surface to affect the leadership of the decision-making level. Is there any contradiction between these two points? Safe is a framework with a certain scale. How can it be promoted gradually from point to surface?

Answer – While you can implement top down or bottom up, the reality is there must be a mix of both. We need executive leadership to lead the change, adopt a growth mindset and demonstrate lean / agile value and principles to begin to drive the transformation. As implementations begin within business units and portfolios, middle management becomes engaged, hopefully with a vision for change that inspires people to join the journey, rather than forces them.

20. Position determine the brain. We often find that many requirements are not fulfilled by agility. In many cases, PO / PM is allocated and decided according to their own current KPI, so the business and the demander still feel very isolated. In other words, their problems cannot be solved and their ideas cannot be realized. How to balance and manage these pain points?

Answer – In implementing SAFe the enterprise is required to think differently about how it organizes, develops, and delivers value to its customers. Where the current enterprise approach to deliver value is done through silos, projects, and waterfall methods, this limits those working to deliver the value to be bound by the silos they work in, scope and restrictions of the project, and trying to meet KPIs that are usually targeted to individual performance or outputs, not outcomes of value delivered.

Instead, SAFe helps teams organize around the value that the business delivers to its customers. Instead of projects and waterfall methods as an execution method, SAFe structures as a dedicated group of Agile team-of-teams called an Agile Release Train (ART) and executes as a Continuous Delivery Pipeline. This means that individuals filling the roles of Business Owner, Product Manager, and Product Owners are more directly aligned to solutions to the customer that address the problems or needs for their customers. We don’t measure the individuals or a silos with KPIs, we measure the business outcomes, for example frequency of releases, number of features released, customer and business satisfaction (via NPS score), and increased quality, etc.

safe scrum master ssm
SAFe ScrumMaster 官方认证公开班
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SAFe ScrumMaster 官方认证公开班
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